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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1899

Paas Portal Microsoft Teams Deployments Cards

EPI Team, We would like to receive Microsoft Teams deployments cards from the Paas Portal . This is a valuable information for the teams in the field during a release cycle. At date only the person who trigger the deployment receive an email. 1 - ...
about 4 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 10 Investigating

Retain versions correctly for a content move in CMS tree (to fix invalid editor history)

As a content editor I want to be able to move content (for example a page) in the CMS tree. When I do this at present a new version is created but this is merged with the previous update for that content. I want a new version to be created and the...
2 months ago in Content Management / Editing 1

Integration with Voyado for loyalty

We have many joint customers, and although Voyado also have a CDP, integrating with their loyalty system would benefit our joint customers and show how well our platforms play together. By integrating, using RTS, the loyalty data on Voyado would b...
about 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Investigating

Configured Commerce fraud detection

Had a request from a customer wanting to add fraud protections such as: Rate limiting Bot detection Bot detection with javascript to identify headless browsers Captcha functionality - when users initially come into the site or users are starting a...
12 days ago in Configured Commerce / Users, Permissions & Security 1 Gathering interest

Feature request: Cloudflare Turnstile Support in DXP

Cloudflare Turnstile is a modern, privacy-friendly captcha solution that improves user experience. Since Cloudflare is already part of DXP, it would be great to see native support for Turnstile in the platform.

Integration with MS Planner

Hi there In the same way the CMP can integrate with Jira and Teams, can it also integrate with Microsoft Planner please. Thanks Lisa
12 days ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Better client/UI for viewing and amending HTML

Currently amended or inserted HTML is displayed in a narrow strip to the left of a page which makes it hard to amend and debug. It would be better if the HTML could be viewed in a wider window and if the HTML was formatted nicely so that it was ea...
about 1 month ago in Web Experimentation / Developer Experience 0

Allow for CMS access management in the DXP Portal

New properties added to App Settings in the DXP Portal, allowing for DXP users to whitelist allowed IPs for CMS access.
about 2 months ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Traffic management 0 Future consideration

Enable DotLiquid in email subject, using the same model as the email body

As a business user I want to add dynamic fields to the email subject of emails sent by Configured Commerce. Specifically, the Subject field of an Email List (Marketing / Email Lists / <selected list>) Example: OrderConfirmation Subject: Orde...
12 days ago in Configured Commerce / Marketing & Promotions 1 Gathering interest

Remember filter settings

As a marketer working daily with promotions and discounts for multiple sites and markets, I would like to be able to save/bookmark after I have created different marketing filter settings and that they are set when visiting the page. I can see tha...
13 days ago in Customized Commerce / Promotions 0