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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Web Experimentation

Showing 35 of 1871

Better client/UI for viewing and amending HTML

Currently amended or inserted HTML is displayed in a narrow strip to the left of a page which makes it hard to amend and debug. It would be better if the HTML could be viewed in a wider window and if the HTML was formatted nicely so that it was ea...

Display "Link URL" field on custom elements with a href attribute

Today, when selecting an <a>-element in the visual editor, a Link URL fields appears so that editor can change the href. We are running custom web components for links on our site, they can look something like this: <gds-button href="./li...
4 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 2 Investigating

Custom code Repository

I would like to request the addition of a feature in Optimizely that allows users to store custom-written code in a dedicated code repository and to export/import experiments, including custom code. This functionality would greatly enhance the abi...
2 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 0

Clone Experiments across Projects

I propose adding a feature to Optimizely that allows users to clone experiments across different projects. This would streamline workflows by enabling users to replicate successful experiments without manually recreating them. The cloned experimen...
2 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 0

Ability to lock down code editor / css changes

As an administrator, I want to lock down the code editor / CSS changes within the platform to prevent security risks from non-technical users or bad actors inserting malicious code.
9 months ago in Web Experimentation / Security 0

MAU Consumption Notification

Hi Team, To manage Experimentation MAU Consumption I would like to request a notification functionality that alerts customers when a certain percentage of their allotment has been consumed so as to we can ensure that Overages are avoided in a time...

Folder System for Optimizations

As an experimenter I would like the ability to sort my experiments and personalization campaigns into folders based on my own criteria. For my use I would have folders based on the area of the site we are testing (ie. homepage, category page, prod...
6 months ago in Web Experimentation / Other 0

Support for rearrange tests on Dynamic websites

Optimizely Web Experimentation does not currently support rearrange tests (tests that swap the positions of nodes in a document) on dynamic websites but may extend support in the future. Adding support will mean elements in Dynamic pages can be re...
3 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 0

Prioritising personalisation experiments

I'm looking at setting up 2 personalisation experiences on the same page (different audiences). I am aware that multiple experiences can be placed within the same campaign and prioritised, however the 2 experiences I am setting up have different m...
8 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 0

Device sizes out of date

It would be great to see updated device sizes in the visual editor especially for mobile as these are too small for screen sizes people use today. I'm not a developer so I rely on the screen size builder to verify changes but when I look at my iPh...
4 months ago in Web Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 0