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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1863 of 1863

Better access rights management for assets

There is a lack of functionality around limiting access to assets for different user groups. Any user group with editor access will currently have access to all blocks and media. A user group with access to a part of the pagetree shouldn't have ac...
about 2 months ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0

Integration of AI based Chatbot / Agent

Configured Commerce has always focused on the value of its self-service capabilities to increase customer adoption, increase customer retention, and to free up Sales and Customer Service to focus on more complex, high-value engagements. Providing ...
about 2 months ago in Configured Commerce / Self-Service 1 Gathering interest

MetaClass - UIReadonly feature

Currently it is possible to set MetaClass (e.g. CustomerContact) field to ReadOnly. After this the field is greyed out in Commerce Manager and it is not possible to update its value. Unfortunately it also works on changes done from code, not only ...
3 months ago in Customized Commerce / Customer Services 0

Add LaunchDarkly to allowedLibraries whitelist

Hi, Out customer indicated they would like to unify the feature flags and feature experimentation software they use over multiple software applications, which also include software maintained by other partners next to ourselves. They already use L...
9 months ago in Configured Commerce / 3rd Party Library Allow Listing 3 Gathering interest

Restore access to SendGrid

Before CMS 12 (and/or Commerce 14), DXP customers had access to SendGrid to log in directly at Sendgrid to see statistics on emails sent, bounce rates, open rates etc. This access was revoked as clients upgraded and the DXP environments were switc...
about 2 months ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Identities and accounts 2 Future consideration

Support slash in UrlPath translations

We have a need to identify language in URLs. This resembles adding /fr to the URL path of our french pages in the URL Segment of the French homepage and the UrlRoot (i.e Catalog_UrlRoot = fr/catalogue, Product_UrlRoot = fr/produit, Brand_UrlRoot =...
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / Localization / Technical 2 Gathering interest

DirectDeploy For Preproduction And Production

I'd like to request the ability to use DirectDeploy on both preproduction and production as currently the option is only available for integration. I understand that during the DirectDeploy process the site becomes unavailable, which you'd typical...
over 1 year ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 2 Future consideration

Allow for mapping to custom objects in Salesforce Marketing Automation connector

As a Salesforce user, I want to be able to map form fields to custom objects other than the five out-of-the-box provided with the Salesforce Marketing Automation connector.
3 months ago in Integrations 0

Create new user based on other user

As a Customer I want to be able to create new users quickly based on the roles and permissions another user has. Like "create a new user B that has the same roles and permissions as user A".
almost 3 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Unable to move multiple pages into hierarchy tree

We found the CMS system doesn't allow you to move multiple pages into the hierarchy tree, the only way is to move them one by one, which is very tedious and time-consuming. The only way is to write a custom class and archive them based on date cre...
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Editing 2 Investigating