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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1877 of 1877

Provide Sorting Categories on Brand Detail Page

We would like to be able to honor the sort order for brand categories on the categories detail page by using the "SortOrder" property. Today the categories display by name for the brands page
9 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

I cannot link to a specific timestamp in a YouTube video

Optimizely does something to my links, such that I am unable to link directly to a specific timestamp within a YouTube video. Example: For this YouTube video (, I want to link to the 22 minute 0 second t...
9 months ago in Content Marketing 1 Future consideration

TinyMCE - Customized tags when inserting html (drop block)

It's already possible to drag and drop blocks into the TinyMCE editor - its inserted like this: `div.epi-contentfragment` and replaced by the actual content during rendering. This doesnt work well for blocks that should be rendered as an inline va...
9 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0

No Bid and Lead Time option for RFQ

The Sales Quote feature should have an option to No Bid a line. For items that are quoted, there should be a field for lead time as the lead time will likely change in an RFQ scenario.
9 months ago in Configured Commerce / Self-Service 1 Gathering interest

Swedish and English mixed up above ContentArea since 12.29

See attachment
9 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Trackable and filterable change log in Search & Navigation interface (similar to change log for content, projects, messages and content approvals in admin tools)

As an EPiServer Partner and CmsAdmin in customers system I want to be able see changes in Search & Navigation configuration, like best bets, related searches, synonyms, weights etc. so we can pin-point problems encountered and see if the custo...
almost 4 years ago in Search & Navigation 1

View Fields on Calendar Cards

We have created specific fields within templates that we would like to see in the Calendar View when we hover over the card. Specifically, we have created a field called "Publishing Date", which is different than the "Task Completion Date", so we ...
over 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0 Future consideration

Add Generics Support to Various Attributes

C# 11 added support for attributes with generics. It would be nice to be able to use that with various Optimizely attributes. Some examples of attribute I can think of this can be added to are SelectOne, SelectMany and ModuleDependency. [SelectOne...
10 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Allow access to application logs or send notification on database scripts error

We should be able to either receive a notification on a database script error, or be able to log into the admin or elmah to see the errors. Right now the only way to find out what script is broken is to open a support ticket or ask for a database ...

Change Log for CMP Codebase

We are currently using a 3rd party app on top of the CMP to guide users through company-specific process flows. This app relies on identifying specific pieces of code to operate properly, and it needs to be updated every time the code changes. We ...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Miscellaneous 0 Future consideration