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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1899

Workflow Permissions - Prevent users from changing status of a workflow step not assigned to them

Currently in the CMP, when I assign a user to a step in the workflow, I have to share the entire Task with that user. Once the task is shared with the user, the user can change the status of any workflow step. This is a problem in an organization ...

Download backup of production database

Each day database backups are created of the production website. I would like to have the option in Mission Control to download a backup which was made days or even weeks ago.
14 days ago in Configured Commerce / Self-Service 0

Improve UI for a better editing experience on language settings and similar popups

While the updated CMS area in Optimizely 12 has improved in many ways, some parts of the UI have been changed in a way that makes editing more difficult. One such area is the language settings, where previously only languages that had settings ass...
about 2 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Proactive Site Monitoring

Opti should provide proactive site monitoring to its configured commerce customers. Customer should received an alert from Opti about server errors, hosting issues, site restarts, etc. As hosting provider, Opti should support the platform from thi...
2 months ago in Configured Commerce / Technical 0

"Publish to CMS" should publish page(s) and all associated unpublished content items

When CMS content is created through the CMP it doesn't publish all the content items, like blocks and images. The CMP creates a Project in the CMS and only publishes the page. This leaves a broken page live on the site until a content creator jump...
about 2 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Enable drag and drop for PropertyList<T> in the editing experience

Would it be possible to enable drag & drop in the editing experience of property list similar to content areas. PropertyList are sometime favored in content type architecture as they take less editorial time to setup then blocks.
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Editing 2 Future consideration

Add the ability to grant impersonate permissions to custom roles

I want to be able to create a custom role for the admin console users that while given limited permissions through the Application Dictionnary would also be granted the ability to impersonate website users.Currently, the impersonate feature is lim...
15 days ago in Configured Commerce / Users, Permissions & Security 1 Investigating

Add the ability to save multiple assets on the same task to different locations in the library

In the case of a Task with multiple assets, it would be useful to be able to save those assets to different locations. For example, on a task that involves designing a new asset, the task might have various working files: .esp files for example, a...
15 days ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 0

Alert author when moving page results in duplicate url

When creating child pages and moving them to be the same level as the parent results in duplicate url, alert the author that moving will result in a duplicate url and require the author to make a change. Steps to recreate: create a parent page tit...
28 days ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Feedback on UI Layout in Optimizely 12 Edit Mode

In Optimizely 12 I have noticed a significant change in the Edit Mode UI layout that I would like to share as feedback. In Optimizely 11, the Edit Mode UI was more compact, providing editors with a more efficient workspace and minimizing empty spa...
3 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0