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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1899

Missing search field in content area popup

For a property of type ContentArea which is restricted to a certain pagetype, the search field is not visible. [AllowedTypes(typeof(CabinPage))]public virtual ContentArea Cabins { get; set; }
2 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Plan Module Board View - allow sorting of individual columns

In the plan module, when using the board view, the cards in a given column are sorted somehow, but it is unclear how. I can manually change the sort, but that is only for me, not other users. There needs to be a way to control the sort of these co...
7 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Support for JSON scalar type for XhtmlString field in OptiGraph

We would want to have support for JSON scalar type for XhtmlString fields in OptiGraph. The format is already use in the CD API (check the image attached). In OptiGraph response the XhtmlString appears now just in one JSON string.
about 1 year ago in Optimizely Graph 2 Investigating

Database Audit Logs for Compliance

Could you please consider to add a new section with in the PaaS Portal (preferably under the "Troubleshoot" section) that can be used to view the DB access logs, that contains details such as, Who access the DB and when ? and What actions are carr...
about 4 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Data management 4 Future consideration

Version Conflict Between CMS and Commerce Latest Packages with TinyMCE Version (4.8.0/4.7.2)

I'm running into a version conflict when trying to upgrade to the latest versions. CMS 12.31.2 references TinyMCE 4.8.0, but Commerce 14.29.0 requires 4.7.2, which causes the package restore to fail, while we can directly reference the dependency ...
5 months ago in Customized Commerce / Technical 1

Search in the CMS UI should highlight and set focus on the location of pages and assets when a result is selected.

Searching for pages or assets in the CMS and selecting a search result will open the edit view of the item. However, focus is not set on that item in the page or asset pane, which means editors may have to scroll through many content items to see ...
about 1 year ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0

Change the maximum upload file size per media type

Current there can be only ne file size limit. In website documents like pdf can be big but mediafiles like images should be smaller. Optimizely should have option to set uplooad size limit per media type instead of all media files.
about 1 year ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0

Allow Sync down to other environments while in Prod mode

There needs to be a way to push product updates to lower environments (dev, qa, sandbox) when in "production mode" -- basically to refresh published products to other environments without turning off production. Would be ideal if there was another...
over 2 years ago in PIM 11 Already exists

GraphQL do not include Description field, though it exist in the CMP

When request DAM files using GraphQL, the asset's schema do not include Description, though in DAM the field exist.
5 months ago in Content Marketing / Integrations 0

Add External URL as Asset to DAM

We'd like to be able to take the external URL content that we work on in Tasks and add it to the library to then be used in our sales portals. For example, sometimes I want to include a website that we have a partnership with but don't build ourse...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 0 Future consideration