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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1796

Enable a batch of changes to be processed as an atomic transaction

As an experiment manager I want to be able to combine multiple configuration changes into single update so that clients cannot retrieve the data file in an inconsistent state (with only some of the changes applied) resulting in predictable applica...

Web/Console user permissions

Currently, we are using Insite 5.1 and migrating to spire. There is a new requirement from the business to have a diversified user entitlements within the organization(so far identified about 50 different entitlements). After assessing the current...
9 months ago in Configured Commerce / Users, Permissions & Security 1 Investigating

Enhancing PIM with Sorting Option for Numbered Assets Associated with a Product

Currently, Opti Product Information Management (PIM) system allows users to associate multiple assets with a product. These assets could include images, videos, documents, and other multimedia files. However, there is a need to improve the Opti PI...
over 1 year ago in PIM 0

typescript type of datafile from '@optimizely/optimizely-sdk' is not specific enough ("string | object")

Here is the snippet we use: import type { Config } from ' @optimizely/optimizely-sdk '; type OptimizelyDatafile = Config[' datafile ']; When you import the type, you can see its string | object which is clearly not good enough for the object type,...
over 1 year ago in Integrations 0

Edit title field on templates

I wish I could edit the "Title" field in templates to reflect a different name. I can add what format I'd like them to use for the title, but I don't like that it's a required field.
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 0 Future consideration

Web/Console user permissions

Currently, we are using Insite 5.1 and migrating to spire. There is a new requirement from the business to have a diversified user entitlements within the organization(so far identified about 50 different entitlements). After assessing the current...
9 months ago in Product Recommendations 1

Update Campaign after task completed

I've had to update the campaign for tasks after the task had been completed. In order to update the campaign or sub campaign on a task, you have to un-check the task to remove the completion status. This is an issue because then the completion dat...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Pre-select a Brief Template When Creating a Workflow

We have certain brief templates that are always used with certain workflow templates, and we would like to tie them together. For example - every time we use the creative assets workflow, we would like to prompt use of the the creative assets brie...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 0 Future consideration

_ancestors support in query language, similar to _children

Its possible today to query for _children in several levels. I would also like to have the same support but for ancestors. You would then query for ancestors under a content item, where the items could be several levels down in the content tree.
about 2 years ago in Optimizely Graph 1

Media Image Scroll

We currently dont include media assets in the search INDEX, in order to have INDEXing job run smoothly. Is there a way Optimizely has any separate indexing job that can index only assets separately? This way we can search for the images or assets ...
over 1 year ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0 Future consideration