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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.

Email CC's when test email is set

This is a request to either place the actual to/cc/bcc emails into the email body if the test email setting is on, OR at least let us customize MailMessage or the CheckTestMode method. It's basically impossible to test if cc and bcc functionality is working in lower environments because of this.

  • Guest
    Apr 4, 2023

    As a quick POC, I simply modified the EmailService's CheckTestMode method as follows. Either Opti building something similar OR allowing partners to somehow inject their own logic here would be beneficial:

            internal void CheckTestMode(string emailTestAddress, MailMessage mailMessage)
    if (!emailTestAddress.IsBlank())
    // <NewFeature>
    if (mailMessage.IsBodyHtml)
    var content = $"<table><tr><td>TO</td><td>{string.Join(",", mailMessage.To)}</td><tr>" +
    $"<tr><td>CC</td><td>{string.Join(",", mailMessage.CC)}</td></tr>" +
    $"<tr><td>BCC</td><td>{string.Join(",", mailMessage.Bcc)}</td></tr></table></body>";
    mailMessage.Body = mailMessage.Body.Replace("</body>", content);
    mailMessage.Body = $"\n\n==========================\n" +
    $"TO: {string.Join(",", mailMessage.To)}\n" +
    $"CC: {string.Join(",", mailMessage.CC)}\n" +
    $"BCC: {string.Join(",", mailMessage.Bcc)}\n";
    // </NewFeature>

  • Optimizely
    Sara Winter
    Apr 4, 2023

    Thank you for submitting this request! Our team is currently reviewing if and how we may implement this, particularly with consideration of our wide client base. We will update this ticket once we have completed this investigation.

  • Guest
    Mar 28, 2023

    I agree with this. Too often it is asked "how do we know the correct CC emails are being added when the Test Email setting is on?" It would be awesome if the "original" email addresses showed at the bottom of the email.