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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1879

Keep Statistics Info in the FIND UI forever (or longer)

I would like to request the data displayed in the FIND UI, specifically 'Most frequent Searches', 'Searched without Hits' and 'searches without relevant hits' be persisted indefinitely. I have recently learned that the data displayed in the FIND U...
3 months ago in Search & Navigation 1 Will not implement

Improve user experience for editors when searching for Pages when multi-site

As an editor, when searching in the Pages gadget, results from all sites are shown. Add a label to indicate what site the result is from. It's possible multiple sites have the same named content. i.e. 'Blog' So it would be ideal to see:Blog [Sit...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Multi-site 0 Future consideration

CMS 12 Admin UI request - sorting & searching Visitor Groups

In CMS 11, Visitor Groups were sorted alphabetically. Now with CMS 12, the list of Visitor Groups are all "mixed up" and it's hard to maintain when you have +100 of them. Please add sort and search to this part of the administration user interface...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0 Future consideration

Add Library Link to Completion Message for Easier Asset Management

Could the team add a hyperlink to the completion message or directly on the saved asset when it's automatically saved to the library? This would make it more convenient to move assets to the collections folder, as you could click directly from the...
6 months ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Possibility to turn off Sticky Tag

In one of the latest upgrades the concept of the Sticky Tag was introduced in the editor view. This basically means that when going back to a previously edited page or block, the tab that was open when leaving will be opened again. At this moment ...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0

It should be possible to test Marketing Automations with dry run mode

You can only test marketing automation by using short-term waiting nodes, but very complex concepts remain prone to errors because they are difficult to test. A dry run mode would help creating more confidence that the set up Marketing Automation ...
about 5 years ago in Campaign 0 Investigating

session count in ODP

Could the session count in ODP be reinstated as there are no other options with in ODP to track visits
6 months ago in Data Platform App 0

Alert when a product reaches or falls below minimum inventory threshold (VMI)

When using VMI, it would be helpful to have an alert email sent out when a product hits or falls below the defined minimum inventory value. The email could also include a summary of products that are at or below minimum. This would help with effic...
8 months ago in Configured Commerce / Catalog & Assets 1 Gathering interest

Configuration Change History

We need to be able to view a changelog of admin settings in the platform for audit purposes. For example, we need to know who changed workflow settings, when, the before/after, etc. We would need this for all types of admin functions - user manage...
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 0 Future consideration

Media Library - Trash / Restore

I'd love the option to backup and/or restore Media Library files, similar to the functionality available in Content Admin for web pages. If a folder or files are accidentally removed, the only option is to manually reupload them. This can be time-...
3 months ago in Admin Center 0