I would like to request the data displayed in the FIND UI, specifically 'Most frequent Searches', 'Searched without Hits' and 'searches without relevant hits' be persisted indefinitely.
I have recently learned that the data displayed in the FIND UI is only valid for 90 days. I have spoken with Optimizely support and was told we could potentially increase this but not beyond 180 days.
Apparently this is tied to a Time To Live (TTL) setting for the FIND instance. It not only controls the length of time the statistics are show in the UI but also controls how data is stored for the purpose of educating the autocomplete API.
If CMS authors are to optimize the search experience by adding best bets and synonyms etc, they will want to see how these efforts impact the statistics. This is not possible when looking at only 3 months of data (or even 6 months). This is especially true for one of our clients who's user base is seasonal.
What's further frustrating is that the UI exposes date filters and a quick links for 'week', 'month' and 'year'? Why is 'Year' even an option!?
Surely the statistics displayed here can be logically separated from the data used to educate the autocomplete API!? That would allow us to look back at search statistics and how they have changed over the life of the website.