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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Search & Navigation

Showing 10

Search & Navigation UI is not optimized for large catalog when you need to select a product (bestbets)

We have a catalog of ~70k products. Our client has several products under the root (products not yet available online but ready to enrich with custom information) In the Search & Navigation UI, when you add a best bet, you can select as "Targe...
over 3 years ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

Ability to backup Synonyms

I am writing to bring to your attention a recent incident we experienced with the Find that resulted in the loss of the synonyms file. Unfortunately, we had to recreate this file manually, which was both time-consuming and prone to errors. Given t...
10 months ago in Search & Navigation 4 Shipped

Search data export and reporting

The data in search and navigation on most popular searches and searches without hits is extremely valuable, but very difficult to share with others in the business that do not use Optimizely. Please provide an export tool and a regular email repor...
almost 3 years ago in Search & Navigation 8 Shipped

The Search and Navigation interface needs basic pagination added to results

One of our largest customers has been using the Search and Navigation interface to improve their search results on their website with out of box Search and Nav. They are asking for Pagination to be added so they can improve the next set of results...
over 1 year ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

As a search relevancy engineer, we need to have ElasticSearch Explain Parameter available to understand the relevancy scoring details and relate that to how we should configure the business boosting logic for better search results.

The ElasticSearch Explain parameter was available prior to the latest EpiFind upgrade. For this past year, without this parameter being available, it left us with no tool to understand the search relevancy and no solution to better configure searc...
almost 3 years ago in Search & Navigation 4 Shipped

Delete selected items in Search & Navigation (Find) using Episerver UI

As a webmaster/developer I would like to delete items in Search & Navigation (Find) index. Reason: It happens that a document does not get deleted ind the search index, when deleted in Episerver. These items can show up in a search and result...
about 4 years ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

Replace HttpWebRequest with HttpClient in EPiServer.Find package

Looking around it seems like Find package is communicating using obsoleted WebRequest.Create() calls, given how much we use Search & Navigation I think there would be a lot of performance to gain by changing this to a shared singleton-like Htt...
almost 2 years ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

Search Statistics need selectable dates

Currently, date ranges for constraining Statistics are limited to the past 24 hours, this week, this month, or this year, which isn't very useful by itself. It's no problem to retain those choices, but an additional date range should be allowed so...
over 1 year ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

Add Async/Await APIs to avoid thread pool exhaustion

Multiple interfaces within the product are forcing clients and partners to abandon proper async/await implementations because the product does not implement async itself. This means that even if solutions properly implement async, they will eventu...
about 4 years ago in Search & Navigation 2 Shipped

Consider including an option to control request timeout for unifiedsearch

Hello, my client recently ran into an issue where intermittent network-failures caused Find-calls to time-out. In order to mitigate similar issues it would be convinient if there was some way to control the timeout through the public API. Here are...
almost 4 years ago in Search & Navigation 1 Shipped