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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.



Showing 10

PIM - Unassign Categories within the Template

There is a template that you can assign multiple products to categories. But if product was assigned to an incorrect category, there is no way to unassign and reassign within a template, or even to make a correction for multiple products at once. ...
about 4 years ago in PIM 1 Shipped

InsitePIM - Brand Property - Option to be a Text Box or a Dropdown

Currently, the Brand Property will only map if a dropdown is used. I would like to have the option to use a Text Script and not just the dropdown. If a text box was available you can add this to the import and it would assign the Brand. You can st...
about 4 years ago in PIM 2 Shipped

PIM upload of Parent products

Please add an ability to upload parent products into PIM instead of creating them all manually.
about 4 years ago in PIM 1 Shipped

Please make textArea properties available for display/filtering in the "Products" tab

Make textArea properties available for display/filter in the "Products" tab.
almost 4 years ago in PIM 2 Shipped

Unassign Assets via Import

It would be nice to be able to unassign assets via an import instead of having to manual do so.
about 2 years ago in PIM 3 Shipped

Add larger options to display items under "Show"

Please add the option to Show 500, 1000 or the ability to Select All when reviewing an item list with multiple pages.
over 2 years ago in PIM 1 Shipped

Facilitate Copy Product Number on Products Page

See attached.
about 3 years ago in PIM 0 Shipped

Ability to Add Images From Products Tab

Would like to be able to add an image directly from the image tab on a product rather than having to add the image under assets first and then find the image on the product's image tab.
about 3 years ago in PIM 1 Shipped

Build a way to sort attribute values that work on multipage pages

There is currently no way to sort attribute values once the number of attribute values exceeds 20 values and there are multiple pages of values. I know that you can resort the values within a page through drag and drop, but how do you sort values ...
over 3 years ago in PIM 1 Shipped

Add support for 360 AD/SIRV Images

Add support for 360 AD/SIRV Images
about 3 years ago in PIM 2 Shipped