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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1879

Share Product Lists to Individual User From Admin

Currently, within Admin there is only the capability to share product lists (wish lists) at the bill to (company) level. The issue with this is these lists are being shared to all users from the bill to (company) rather than a single individual us...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 1

Modify the header "Improvement" in Results page into "Change" or another name.

The header "Improvement" (the relative difference of conversions between original and variation) in the Results Page can be confusing in some situations, for example when comparing original/variation regarding bounce rate, as "Improvement" seems t...
over 2 years ago in Experimentation Analytics / Other 1 Planned

Product Feedback: "?" Bubble in the way

The little question mark bubble in the bottom right hand corner blocks the revisions in the markup area of the content section and you can't get rid of it. Can it be changed that you can x that out so it's not it the way of reading the changes?
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 1 Planned

Library Cover Photos

It would be nice to be able to upload/add a cover photo/image to our various folders within the library versus every folder using the same small/gray folder icon. It would make the files easier to identify more quickly when scanning the library.
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 1 Investigating

List View Search Functionality

One of the main reasons we began looking for software like the CMP was for the purpose of faceted search. The expectation was that the Search functionality in Welcome would allow us to search for precise key words or phrases within the content and...
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Plan / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Please support ANY authenticator app for login (not just Okta)

Please support any authenticator app for login - Forcing people into a Okta lock-in is a big no-go and shines really bad on you as a tech company
8 months ago in User Management 1

Sort roles in Audience role criteria

When adding role criteria in Audiences the role dropdown should be sorted alphabetically.
8 months ago in Content Management / Personalization 0

Budget Threshold alert related notification emails are being sent to the customer months after initial notification failed.

Budget Threshold emails are being sent inaccurately. Configured Commmerce Customer previously had the budget threshold feature-requesting further review directly with Partner for this existing functionality. ENB-2730: reference for issue and advis...
almost 2 years ago in Configured Commerce / Customers 4 Investigating

Text Editor UI

In some cases, we'll have multiple text editors (2-3) in a task that includes additional content to support the primary article. Differentiating between multiple text editor icons is not intuitive for users who are collaborators and not typically ...

Improve model sync speed

Reducing the startup time can mean that when sites are restarted either after a deploy or just a manual restart the unavailability time is reduced. When code changes are made this becomes especially important. When reviewing the startup time for a...
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Technical 1 Investigating