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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Configured Commerce

Showing 123

Include information about errors on the email notification triggered by a failed integration job execution

Currently when the execution of an integration job ends in failure, we get notified; however, the email itself says nothing about the reasons as to why the job failed, it only says "job failed". I'd like to suggest that the email notification shou...
over 2 years ago in Configured Commerce / Integration 3 Gathering interest

Separate the "build email" step from the "send email" step for easier extensibility

As a partner developerI want to have a point of extension between building an email and sending an emailSo that I can modify the email properties (ie. To, CC, Body) without overriding the code responsible for sending the email. The following files...
2 months ago in Configured Commerce / Technical 3 Gathering interest

Category Quantities after Category Name

I would like to see the option to show a qty amount within each category while shopping. This is available if using the search engine (screenshot below), but not through category browsing and shopping without search
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

Full Screen CSS

Ability to toggle on full screen when editing CSS. Would be able to toggle on full screen mode when editing CSS via Rich Content > Advanced.
5 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

B2B2C Lists to Hide Pricing or Add Markup

As a distributor I'd like to be able to create custom lists for my clients where I can choose to show MSRP, MAP, or pricing with a markup on it. I'd like this functionality to be an option on a per list basis and updated when I'm creating the list...
5 months ago in Configured Commerce / Self-Service 1 Gathering interest

Make Customer Assignment for Lists Easier to Maintain

It would be nice if we had the ability to assign lists to all customers at one. Currently, I can only assign them to 30 at a time and it is time consuming. We would also like to see the ability to leverage rules to dynamically assign customers bas...
about 1 year ago in Configured Commerce / Marketing & Promotions 2 Gathering interest

Allow Decimals within Multiple Sale Qty

we would like to request the Multiple Sale Qty field to allow for decimal qty. We have several products that can only be sold in decimal qty with a min/multiple qty, but unable to do so at this time.
over 1 year ago in Configured Commerce / Catalog & Assets 1 Gathering interest

Alert when a product reaches or falls below minimum inventory threshold (VMI)

When using VMI, it would be helpful to have an alert email sent out when a product hits or falls below the defined minimum inventory value. The email could also include a summary of products that are at or below minimum. This would help with effic...
8 months ago in Configured Commerce / Catalog & Assets 1 Gathering interest

Visual Indicator to show more features within the Content Block of Rich Text

The Content Block within the Rich Text widget, should have a visual indicator to show there are additional options, i.e. add images, on the collapsed view.
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

Show a Child Variant Product also as an Individual Product

As an eCommerce Manager with hundreds or thousands of Variant Products, I often end up with specific child variants which are now being Liquidated, Discontinued, etc - and I want to have a Specific Category where my Customers can go see those spec...
9 months ago in Configured Commerce / Catalog & Assets 2 Gathering interest