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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1838

Upload Option in Promotions

When adding a promotion, you need to do so one at a time. If a template and the ability to import were available it could be a huge time savings.
5 months ago in Admin Center 0

Automatic purging of CloudFlare CDN Cache when content are deleted in Episerver

In Episerver DXP we get a CDN from CloudFlare. Great! If an editor deletes a media file in edit mode, the file can still be cached for hours in the CDN. This could be bad if the content really NEEDS to be removed right away, and the editor is not ...
about 4 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Infrastructure mgmt. 2 Future consideration

No error display when form submit not successful

We want to use Marketing automative Salesforce connector for Optimizely CMS(Customer Management System) form to connect with our Salesforce platform. But we find out there are no submission failure show up on CMS interface, only recording the subm...
about 1 month ago in Content Management / Forms 0

Highlight Experiment Outliers based on traffic, runtime

This request was initially submitted by Marco Tannert, from, and enriched by Justin Vos, Customer Success Manager. It's helpful when managing a program to get a clear understanding if there are experiments that are outliers, by for examp...

More In-depth Program Reporting

This feedback was shared by Marco Tannert, at - Ideally I don't touch the project structure as is, as I don't understand what impact it would have to change it. - What I would like to achieve: - structure all experiments on team basis s...

Exclude Products from Promotions

Creating promotions that apply to a category, product group or the entire catalog is not possible of certain products are set as "Not Equals" in the rule manager. We should be able to exclude products from promotion so that the user can still rece...
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / Marketing & Promotions 2 Investigating

Make event description field rich text

When hovering over an event in the calendar, a link should be visible and clickable for easy access. If the Event description field is changed to rich text it will be possible to add a link in the description.
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Add special days to calendar (not just holidays)

Possibility to add team specific 'special days' (not just holidays) to the calendar and be able to turn on/off the special days with a toggle (like used for activity types). If the special days always are shown the view might get to cluttered.
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Toggle on/off Holidays

Be able to turn on/off holidays from the calendar view with a toggle (like used for activity types) to get a less cluttered view.
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Scheduled re-import of indexed content

As a site owner using Content Recommendations, I would like the ability to schedule re-import of already indexed content in Content Recs, so that: a) there would be no need for manually triggering a re-scan, e.g. if we add or change metatag or dat...
over 3 years ago in Content Recommendations 3 Future consideration