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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1855 of 1855

CMS Editor - Allowed Types - Restriction Info

In the CMS Editor, when a content area has AllowedTypes specified, it always lists types that are not allowed in the hint text. However, the list that's not allowed is not complete. We expect the only the types that are allowed to be listed. Examp...
6 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0

GraphQL do not include Description field, though it exist in the CMP

When request DAM files using GraphQL, the asset's schema do not include Description, though in DAM the field exist.
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Integrations 0

webhook for "message received" event

Why do we need to receive a webhook once a message is "received"? With a "received" webhook we would be notified as soon as a message was accepted by the receiving mail server. Our business processes are mainly interested if a message could be del...
almost 4 years ago in Campaign 1 Future consideration

ODP-Campaign Sync: Increase frequency of sync from once a day to... more than once a day

At this time, ODP-Campaigns integration syncs once a day, can we increase this frequency
about 1 year ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Hierarchical appsettings support for 'Manage app settings'

After trying out the new 'Manage app settings' feature in the DXP portal. Not sure if hierarchical named app settings are supported. Due to the app setting name input field not allowing the separator '__' (double underscores). (See .NET 6 environm...
almost 2 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform 2 Already exists


Occasionally, we have a user delete something (an asset version, a whole task, etc.) that they shouldn't have. Luckily, your support team always seems to be able to get it back. But it would be valuable to have a trash can so that we don't waste t...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Miscellaneous 4 Future consideration

Add activity logging into Form Submissions for EpiServer Forms

As GDPR administrator i would like to know who was viewing, editing data that has been sent via EpiServer Forms. This is why all actions such: - display form submissions - download form submissions report - deleted submitted data in Form Submissio...
almost 4 years ago in Content Management / Forms 0 Future consideration

Ability to lock down code editor / css changes

As an administrator, I want to lock down the code editor / CSS changes within the platform to prevent security risks from non-technical users or bad actors inserting malicious code.
9 months ago in Web Experimentation / Security 0

Expiration of the Content Graph preview token

Users used to share a link with a preview token and when other users hit it, it's already expired. The time for the preview token is 5 minutes and it cant be changed. Even if we add all the users within the cms so they have access to view previews...
3 months ago in Optimizely Graph 1

Upload Option in Promotions

When adding a promotion, you need to do so one at a time. If a template and the ability to import were available it could be a huge time savings.
6 months ago in Admin Center 0