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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1879 of 1879

Make Expiry Dates on Library Assets Functional - Expired Assets Shouldn't be Accessible

As a financial services company, we need the "Expired Assets" to actually be expired and not accessible. That means:- Public Links should go to an error page (a nice feature would be able to customize this page so we can put an "on-brand" error me...
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 0

Choose Whether or Not to Inherit a Work Request Brief to a Task or Campaign

We have a very generic work request brief, and then our traffic manager translates that work request into campaigns or tasks. However, each task (Email, Webpage, Video, etc) has a specific task brief that needs to be filled out. We'd like to be ab...
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Requests 1

Multi OpenID SSO Client

Multiple Optimizely B2B Commerce customers have told us they would like to offer their customers the ability to connect to their e-com using SSO. As they have customers in the thousands and that some customers might use similar identity services, ...
over 2 years ago in Configured Commerce / Users, Permissions & Security 4 Gathering interest

Auto update collection from the saved view

Currently if I link a folder to Collection and then add new images to the folder, the collection is automatically updated with new images. But if I add a filtered view (which is mix of images/assets from different folder) to a Collection then the ...
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 0

Ability to customize messages about content reviews/approvals

Our workflow is that a content approver reviews and publishes content in the same step rather than sending it back to the content creator to publish. However, the message sent back to the creator says the content is "ready to publish" though it ha...
about 4 years ago in Content Management / Collaboration & Approval 0

Possibility for a Task to be associated with multiple Campaigns

For organization and planning purposes, multiple teams create their own plans and views, often with multiple tasks being created and living under different campaigns, but for the same Marketing objective, for example, a new product Launch. The pos...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0 Future consideration

Include Description Display Option in Create New Page View

Currently, the "Description" display option is only visible when editing a page in Episerver/Optimizely CMS. It would be beneficial to extend this feature to the Create New Page view as well. Including the description display option during page cr...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Create smaller export batch files to avoid 500MB limit from Cloudflare

As a content creator/manager using DxP I want to have the ability to import large amounts of content totaling more than 500MB. The current barrier is cloudflare which prevents imports from being uploaded that are larger than 500MB. Our content exp...
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 3

Storing Abandoned Cart Data so you can access Historical Data in Analytics

I just recently discovered that because commerce analytics is using a direct connection to my order history and that because the default for saving expired carts is 90days, that I can not longer access abandoned cart data in Opti Analytics for fur...
7 months ago in Commerce Analytics 0

Whitelist AzureKeyVault nuget package

Whitelist this nuget package: We have a need to leverage AzureKeyVault to pull configuration settings from client Infrastructure, hence the need for it. So if they were to change the s...