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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 566

Add Card Counts for Rows in Board View

As a user, I can see the count of cards next to each column name in the board view. I would like to see the same style of information on the rows, especially when using "group by".
over 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0 Future consideration

Allow Out of Sequence Workflow Step Due Dates

Often, we want to change the due date of a single step on the fly, but we're blocked if that due date means the steps end up out of order. Could the system alert the user that the steps may be out of date order with their update, but not prevent t...
over 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Copy Events

We would like to be able to copy the events like we copy tasks currently - and be able to carry over all the selected labels without having to manually selected each time. We use events a lot and is painful to have to select so many labels manually.
almost 3 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Step Status on List View

Would it be possible to retrieve the Step level status from the workflow to the List View? It would be nice to see if the step was Not Started vs In Progress.
almost 3 years ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0 Future consideration

Simply Field Addition on Task

There are too many steps in order to search for the individual labels at task creation: I want to select two labels for a task that fall in two fields, I have to do the following: Open Fields chevron drop down arrow Click “Add Field” button Scroll...
almost 3 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Filter 'My Tasks' Panel by 'Created by Me'

Task creators are responsible for ensuring tasks do not become overdue, not task assignees. This means that task creators need a quick and easy way to be able to see tasks that they have created specifically in the My Tasks panel (from top navigat...
almost 3 years ago in Content Marketing / Miscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Add possibility to define Variations directly within a Rule

Currently, Variations are created separately. It should be similar to Page targeting settings in Web, which also can be defined separately and reused, OR defined directly in the experiment
almost 3 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Experiment Authoring 1 Future consideration

On any listing page there should be sorting options

No description provided
almost 3 years ago in Feature Experimentation 1 Future consideration

On the Results page, the Name of the Flag that an experiment is based on should be displayed

Currently, only the "Rule key" is displayed, not the Flag name or key. The Rule keycan include the name (/key) of the Flag, but it doesn't have to. So especially when having multiple Results pages open side by side, it's very difficult to distingu...
almost 3 years ago in Feature Experimentation 1 Future consideration

Make Campaign Start and End Date Mandatory

We would like a setting at the admin level that would enforce the user to have to provide those dates at the Campaign creation level. Ideally, if the user does not fill them in and clicks “create”, it won’t let the user create the campaign and hig...
almost 3 years ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 0 Future consideration