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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1878 of 1878

Use localized catalog UI in the Select Content-dialogen

As an editor I would like to see localized names in the Catalog UI when creating links to catalog content to be sure that I create links to the correct content. The Catalog UI shows name, which is not localized so can be a problem for editors who ...
almost 4 years ago in Content Management / Multi-language 0

Ability to Create bulk promo codes

We'd like a way to create promo codes in bulk - such as the same code but with different variations such as:DED1234 DED2345 etc so that the last digits are randomized and able to provide a unique code list to our team. We currently do this by maki...
about 4 years ago in Customized Commerce / Promotions 1 Planned

Simplify the process of adding domains

As a owner of multiple sites on the same DXP i would like a simpler way to add domains to our DXP. The process of mailing back and forth with the support doesnt feel like a modern solution.I would like a way where i can add the domain via the mana...
about 4 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Infrastructure mgmt. 3 Future consideration

Show/Hide logic for Work Request forms

We would like the ability to show or hide different fields in a Work Request form based on a user selected drop down. For example, if a user selects Website Update from the Request Type dropdown, only fields in section Website Update would display...
7 months ago in Content Marketing / Requests 3

Whitelisting the Hippocratic License for Third Party NPM Packages

As a developer, I want the Hippocratic License to be considered for whitelisting so that developers across various projects can use third-party NPM packages without any deployment issues (e.g.

Ability to edit Overview page data

As a developer we would like to be able to edit the contents of the overview page as our client does not have commerce and would like to see more relevant data
about 1 year ago in Data Platform App 1 Future consideration

Support for Managed Identity in EPiServer.Azure

We are hosting Optimizely CMS in Azure for some customers so we are using the EPiServer.Azure nuget package for connection to Azure Storage Account and Azure Service Bus. To do this we have use the SAS key connection string. Are there any plans to...
over 1 year ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Dedicated email proofing so that subject line and inbox preview are displayed

We proof all of our marketing emails in the CMP. Currently, we have to take a screenshot of the subject line and email preview so that the team can review how it will appear in customer inboxes. It would be great to have a dedicated email proofing...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Miscellaneous 1 Future consideration

Delete Test Data (Products and Customers) from ODP Test in Bulk

Requesting the ability to delete customers, orders, products in bulk from Test ODP via the user interface
almost 2 years ago in Data Platform App 1

Provide status icons for content in content area editor

When content is expired in the CMS content tree, it displays a red clock icon to indicate expired status. When editing content in "All Properties" mode references inside content areas that are expired becomes hard to spot unless explicitly switchi...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Editing 2