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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.
We have added the ability to define a default website to the Instance (with possible inclusion of user level control) to our backlog for future consideration and prioritization.
Regarding the "Identity" website and preventing customer confusion we are adding an item to our roadmap to hide this from non ISC_System users. Although we cannot guarantee a release date, we expect this feature to be available within the next 12 months.
This is a good call out. As more and more customers start implementing multiple websites because the platform is incredible and the developers are amazing, having a better "context" in the admin around multiple websites could be pretty cool. :)
And this, this is what we in the business call "scope creep."
And yeah, agree with previous ideas about setting it at the user level. A global default, plus the option to override at the user level would probably be a good idea.
My 2c on it would be to allow the admin user to designate a "system default" website. Not affecting anything on the user or customer level - simply a way to, on the admin side, control:
Aaron's original issue, which website is the default website for impersonation?
Something I've always noticed - when you have multiple websites and you're in the "Categories" section, the default selected website may not be your primary website. So the drop down needs to be selected every time you want to view categories. This is true of "single site" solutions too, where we have the "Identity" website as the default selected website. IMO, "Identity" should never be the default selection for anything!
I would expect this to be a default "Opti Installation".
Websites: awesomeproducts.com, lessawesomeproducts.com, thirdproducts.com
This COULD be a setting on the website entity, or this COULD be a setting on the Console User for which of the websites would pop up as the default.
So either (and I'm just paraphrasing here for simplicity)
Website.IsDefaultWebsiteForImpersonation = true/false
AspnetUsers.DefaultWebsiteIdForImpersonation = Website.Id
Either of those would work; in OUR case, there's a clear primary website that everyone can default to... but maybe in other cases there would be console users where AdminUser1 is the awesomeproduct.com admin, AdminUser2 is the admin for lessawesomeproducts.com, etc.
Good question and thanks for mentioning the "wide client base"... our need is pretty simple, but this could be REALLY handy if it were by Admin User => Website.Id somehow for those clients who might have Admins "by domain".
Thank you for submitting this request! Our team is currently investigating if and how we may implement this feature, particularly with consideration of our wide client base.
What level of control would be valued the most, would you see this as an instance level setting for default website only or would you want to control this at the customer, user level? Are there any other considerations we should keep in mind as this is reviewed?