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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.

Status Investigating
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 5, 2022

Pricing with promotion applied rounded to 2 decimals

Our client wants to round the price with a promotion applied to 2 decimals, because the ERP was setup to allow only 2 decimals and they want all calculations with 2 decimals.

For example, a customer ordered 101 EA with a price of 8.973 / EA. The total from Optimizely is 101 * 8.973 = 906.27. Even if in the screenshot you can see only 2 decimals (frontend), there are 3 when the calculation is done in backend.

The ERP use the price 8.97, which means a total of 101 * 8.97 = 905.97. In this case, there are difference between Cart/Checkout/Order Confirmation and Order History.

We would need the possibility to do all the calculations along the website using only 2 decimals.

  • Guest
    Aug 22, 2023

    The decimal precision of all displayed values and calculations should be configurable. Many B2B companies manage pricing at values less than a cent to control margins on small inexpensive items. Rounding rules should be configurable to support various ERP behaviors.

  • Optimizely
    Sara Winter
    Nov 9, 2022

    Thank you for submitting this request! Our team is currently investigating this. We will update this request once we have completed reviewing.

  • Guest
    Oct 21, 2022

    that makes sense. the pricing service is calculating 9.97 x .9 = 8.973.

    you need to modify the pricing service to match whatever rounding rules the ERP has. You cannot just say to round to 2 decimals. Which way do you wanna round? ERPs behave differently. one client's may always round down to the nearest cent and others may round up at 5. like 8.975 would round to 8.96. My point is that I don't think Opti should decide rounding rules as that's specific to the ERP