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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Content Management

Showing 412 of 1871

Enable selection of datetime format on DateTime block in EPiServer.Forms

The current implementation of the DateTime element (found in the EpiServer.Forms.Samples package) appears to be insufficient. In the DateTimeElementBlock.js file, the logic used to determine the language format relies on the browser's language set...
4 months ago in Content Management / Forms 1

Provide Excel download on Reports

In the section "Reports", it would be very helpful if I am able to download the created report as Excel file. That way, I can sort the information, do better filtration, get a better overview on certain topics and I am able to forward this informa...
4 months ago in Content Management / Reporting 0

Please add IsRunning to IImportStatus.Status used in the IDataImporter

We are programmatically running the data importer service to merge databases. One of the page types has a list of users that is validated against our OAuth provider, OKTA. The problem is that running the import service in a scheduled job can't con...
4 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Trademark & superscript text in content

At the moment, there's no way to superscript trademark or registered symbols in the copy within the email. The only way to edit this is within an element.
4 months ago in Content Management / Personalization 0

Download bulk assets from 'Media' tab

Ability to download any folder of assets, single asset or multiple assets from media tab.
4 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Ability to export active workflow steps into an excel

Would like the ability to export a workflow that is assigned to a task, will all steps, dates included, into an excel. We would like this to solve for leaders/users who are not actively in CMP but need a line of sight into key milestones, dates, a...
5 months ago in Content Management / Reporting 0

New cache architecture for the platform

Currently there exists a large number of different caches used in CMS and all its addons, Optimizely codebase primarily uses ISynchronizedObjectInstanceCache (implemented by RemoteCacheSynchronization) but there are a lot of other caching mechanis...
5 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Automatic tracking of page redirects

When moving a page in the page hierarchy or changing the url slug the CMS should give me the option to add a redirect record that could be used to issue an appropriate redirect from the frontend. Redirect records should be queryable from Optimizel...
5 months ago in Content Management 0

Adjust due time for an entire workflow/task instead of each step

The due date time automatically populates as 12:00 p.m., or to your current time when adding steps to a workflow. I want the ability to bulk adjust the time for every step in a task. For example, on our team, most of us quit working around 5 p.m. ...
5 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Time zone issue affecting published Date

When publishing content we are experiencing an issue with the published date displayed on site consistently being one day earlier than the date the content is actually published. We have the following request to enable us to resolve this issue. Is...
5 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0