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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Tasks, Campaigns, and Events

Showing 169 of 1878

Retract side menu in Commerce similar to CMS

When you click CMS > Edit, the side menu retracts to provide more hoizontal space. Can you implement the same for Commerce > Catalog?
12 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Link brief templates to campaign templates

Hi! It would be extremely useful if we could link campaign templates and brief templates together. For example if someone selects to use the standard marketing campaign template, the standard marketing brief template should be automatically selected.
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Audio Preview

Is there not a way to preview audio files before downloading? If not, can this be added?
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Add watcher for campaigns

Currently it is not possible to add watchers at campaign level. We would like this option. Plus, that all tasks belonging to the campaign, will have the same watchers by default.
almost 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Campaign Workflows

We would like to have the workflows available for campaigns too (not only tasks) and if possible to set-up in the backend which workflow should be shown at campaign level, and which workflow should appear at campaigns level.
over 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Color Code Tasks

I would like the ability to assign a color to a task, similar to campaigns. This would significantly help improve calendar views and help act as another filtering option.
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Download all button for attachments in CMP (already exists in the Library)

I want to be able to quickly and easily hit a download all button for attachments in CMP
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0

Milestones - changing owner

Recently we have learned that it is NOT possible to change an OWNER of a MILESTONE in CMP. This was a surprise for us and we believe this should be possible just as it is for other objects. Perhaps this is due to that Milestone is still rather new...

Unlock and edit (including adding fields) task briefs created from the work requests

Currently, only admins have the ability to unlock task briefs associated with work requests. However, there are situations where form values may change after the task is created, and it would be beneficial for the creators(task owners) to have the...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Future consideration

Resize Columns in Content Tab List View

Within the Plan view, columns are able to be resized by dragging the column borders. We'd like to be able to do the same within the content tab list view so we can see full asset titles.
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration