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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Content Management

Showing 412 of 1871

Automated way of copying database and blobs to a lower environment in CMS SaaS

We need a way of deploying the current content and blobs from our production environment to a lower environment of our choosing in our CMS SaaS instance. We should have the option to completely replace all of the data that is currently in the lowe...
17 days ago in Content Management 0

Scroll issue for DateTime propertyon Macbook

Scrolling for this property is too fast on Macbook (testet Edge and Chrome): [ UIHint ( "TimeOnly" )] public virtual DateTime? StartTime { get ; set; } Adjusting scroll in mouse settings doesn't help.
18 days ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Improve UI for a better editing experience on language settings and similar popups

While the updated CMS area in Optimizely 12 has improved in many ways, some parts of the UI have been changed in a way that makes editing more difficult. One such area is the language settings, where previously only languages that had settings ass...
21 days ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Improvements local inline blocks

This is the drawback right now with local blocks: There is no way to map the inline local blocks between versions or language contexts. Why not add a GUID? There is no way in the UI (Dojo JavaScript API) to determine if the context is within "inli...
22 days ago in Content Management / APIs 0

Make the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget) plugin work for multiple Business Units

Problem We are using the Plugin in Optimizely CMS to easily connect Optimizely Forms to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Extensions. This works very well when the user that's used to configure the connector only has access to 1 Business Unit (MID) ...
about 1 month ago in Content Management / Forms 0

Blob provider does not support async operation

The EPiServer.Framework.Blobs.Blob base class lacks many async methods. E.g. There is Write(), but no WriteAsync(). Curiously, it contains AsFileInfoAsync(), but that is about it. Everything else is not using async. Please fix.
about 1 month ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Missing search field in content area popup

For a property of type ContentArea which is restricted to a certain pagetype, the search field is not visible. [AllowedTypes(typeof(CabinPage))]public virtual ContentArea Cabins { get; set; }
about 1 month ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Retain versions correctly for a content move in CMS tree (to fix invalid editor history)

As a content editor I want to be able to move content (for example a page) in the CMS tree. When I do this at present a new version is created but this is merged with the previous update for that content. I want a new version to be created and the...
about 1 month ago in Content Management / Editing 1

Potential security risk in <Import Data> feature

The file upload used in the [Import Data] feature in the Settings interface does not limit the file extensions to .episerverdata only. Other file extensions can be uploaded (including files in a zipped file), which may pose security threat to the ...
about 2 months ago in Content Management / Roles and Security 0

Feedback on UI Layout in Optimizely 12 Edit Mode

In Optimizely 12 I have noticed a significant change in the Edit Mode UI layout that I would like to share as feedback. In Optimizely 11, the Edit Mode UI was more compact, providing editors with a more efficient workspace and minimizing empty spa...
about 2 months ago in Content Management / Editing 0