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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


My feedback: Feature Flagging Workflows

Showing 10

Add rule type property to decision object

While the decision object allows you to see which rule delivered a feature, it does not specify whether this rule is an A/B Test, Targeted Delivery, etc. Customer naming conventions could theoretically provide this kind of context, but we've recei...
5 months ago in Feature Experimentation / APIs / Experiment Authoring / Feature Flagging Workflows / SDKs & Agent 0 Future consideration

Archive Unused Rules (vs deleting them)

From a customer: The options are only to “Move To Top, Duplicate or Delete”. One does not necessarily want to delete past rules, in case one wants to re-use them or use them to duplicate them to create a slightly different rule etc. Therefore, the...
over 1 year ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 0 Future consideration

Feature Flag Lifecylcle Analytics

One of my goals as an administrator of feature flags is to understand the lifecycle of our feature flags. When it was created and the various data points for it's rollout. I struggle to maintain the lifespan of our flags without alot of manual work.
over 3 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 1 Future consideration

Use human language on key experiment changes

We want to quickly find the dates of an experiment starts, ends, ramp-up percentage changes, so that we can keep track of the changes made in the experiment. Currently in the history, only the code changes are listed and we have to read through th...
almost 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 0 Future consideration

Request for low level api method to manually update datafile in javascript/react sdk

Currently, developers can't manually update datafiles. They can only configure time intervals on how often the SDK will refresh the datafile itself. Some feel this is very limiting and I need more control over datafile updates. Request to implemen...
almost 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 1 Future consideration

Option to remove percentage roll out for simpler flag management

We are exploring using Optimizely to manage critically important feature flags. Sometimes, a flag needs to be turned off instantly, out of hours or by Ops personnel eg in the event of an outage of service. In these instances, we want increased con...
almost 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 0 Future consideration

Introduce distinct lexicon to distinguish between flag status and rule status (don't use on/off for both)

It is currently confusing to use the same terminology for both flags and the rules that control flags. For example, I can have a rule that is 'flag:off' but the rule in the list shows as 'on'. Suggestion would be to have different lexicon for rule...
almost 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 0 Future consideration

Handle the error the occurs when copying rules from another environment

When one environment already has an experiment in it, and you try to add a new rule by copying over the rules from another environment, the UI throws a confusing error that says "Updating production ruleset for flag <flagKey> failed. {"Inval...
almost 3 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 1 Future consideration

Using standard "off" variation multiple times.

This feedback is on behalf of Vistaprint. - Mauricio Acebal and Lukas Vermeer. This feedback is related to the special treatment of the standard "Off" variation. Vistaprint are happy they are capable of turning off a variation without changing tra...
about 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 0 Future consideration

More intuitive design for managing features

I would like to add a few suggestions on behalf of Busra from Mural regarding a more intuitive design for managing features in our legacy platform: Have radio buttons instead of the "Status" drop-down menu on the Features tab Should not be able to...
about 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / Feature Flagging Workflows 1 Future consideration