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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Code deployment

Showing 7

DirectDeploy For Preproduction And Production

I'd like to request the ability to use DirectDeploy on both preproduction and production as currently the option is only available for integration. I understand that during the DirectDeploy process the site becomes unavailable, which you'd typical...
about 1 year ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 1 Future consideration

Purge CDN cache after successful deployment via API

It would be nice if you could expose endpoint so that we could invoke purging of CDN cache after successful deployment to production environment hosted in DXP. I have found that Cloudflare actually supports that via az cdn endpoint purge -g fagf01...
about 2 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 0 Future consideration

Need the ability to add deployment notifications to more accounts than just the originating developer.

As a Web Development Lead, I need to be notified when releases are actioned by the team. Currently, only the initiating developer gets notifified.
about 2 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 0 Future consideration

Release annotations for Application Insights

Would it be possible to implement release annotations that are visible in Application Insights for paasportal/API deployments, similar to the one described in the article below T...
over 3 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 0 Future consideration

Project Migration - Allow to copy content even with live hostnames

Within the PaaS portal, under the "Project Migration" tab, on the fourth step "Go live", add the ability to select the option "Copy content" even if certain DNS records are already "live" on the new environment. Our workaround for the moment is to...
over 1 year ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 0 Future consideration

PaaS Portal API, ignore ZeroDownTimeMode for commerce package by default

We are currently changing our Azure Pipeline so that we can deploy using the Smooth Deploy feature. Initially our scripts were pushing both CMS and Commerce at the same time, avoiding to push them individually. The introduction of the flag ZeroDow...
over 3 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 2 Future consideration

Update EpiCloud PowerShell module to support disabling keep-alive

We are attempting to use the EpiCloud PowerShell module to automate deployments of our Optimizely solution into the Optimizely DXP. Unfortunately, when we run the command to initiate the deployment, then it fails because HTTP keep-alive failed. Th...
over 3 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Code deployment 0 Future consideration