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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 29, 2022

Add possibility to increase/decrease Timeout (etc.) Settings in Bulk-Index method


EPiServer.Find: 13.4.4

CMS 11.20.6

.NET 4.8


In a scheduled job we are running the method:

BulkResult Index(IEnumerable objectsToIndex);

Lately we receive a whole lot of:

EPiServer.Find.ServiceException: The operation has timed out ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at EPiServer.Find.Connection.JsonRequest.GetResponseStream()

at EPiServer.Find.Api.Command.GetResponse[TResult](IJsonRequest request)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at EPiServer.Find.Api.Command.GetResponse[TResult](IJsonRequest request)

at EPiServer.Find.Api.CommandBase`3.Execute(IJsonRequest request)

at EPiServer.Find.Api.CommandBase`3.Execute()

at EPiServer.Find.Client.IndexDirectly(IEnumerable objectsToIndex, Boolean deleteLanguageRoutingDuplicatesOnIndex)

at EPiServer.Find.Client.Index(IEnumerable objectsToIndex)

Digging deeper I noticed we are having a defaultRequestTimeout set to 5000 in the web.config.


There would be a nice feature to turn the timeout up a notch in the Index method, kind of like you've made possible for simple object Index method.

IndexResult Index(object objectToIndex, Action<IndexCommand> commandAction);

So the Bulk-indexing could be called like:
client.Index(objectsToIndex, (command) => command.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) );

That would make a lot of sense for us, defaulting on a lower timeout but tune it up when needed.

So either:

BulkResult Index(IEnumerable objectsToIndex, Action<IndexCommand> commandAction);


BulkResult Index(IEnumerable objectsToIndex, Action<BulkIndexCommand> commandAction);


I think this would be a nice addition, on exactly the place where there is extra need of bumping the timeout settings temporarily.

  • Guest
    May 17, 2024

    I see that we had this feature from the beginning and the property name was ExplicitRequestTimeout instead of Timeout. So we can call Index like this:

    client.Index(objectsToIndex, (command) => command.ExplicitRequestTimeout = 30); // 30s