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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.

Categories Data management
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 11, 2025

Developer Blob Storage for Optimizely CMS DXP


I was surprised to find that DXP does not offer a simple, developer-friendly blob storage solution for teams. A team of 3-5 developers needs a shared blob storage on their local machines to access images from the cloud without manually downloading massive datasets.

This does not need to be expensive, no redundancy required, just a basic storage option accessible via HTTPS with a connection string and token, of say: 80GB should be fine for 94% of your customers. Ideally, it should also support firewall restrictions configurable via the PaaS portal.

Expecting developers to manually download 20-50GB every month using PowerShell cmdlets, or through tickets and similar processes, is impractical and disrupts the development workflow. It causes unnecessary interruptions, and slows down productivity. In my AWS setup, I have automated the entire process:

  • Production DB are backed up to a storage monthly with a formatted name

  • Blobs are copied via CLI from the build server.

  • Stage scheduled job in Optimizely restores the DB to a new name. To update stage I manually push a new con-string (date) to the "EpiserverDB" (this could be automated too, but, I digress...)

Since Customer chose DXP, I assumed this would be a built-in feature specially for the cost we are paying. However, I still rely on AWS to provide this basic functionality. This is especially frustrating for frontend developers using macOS, who often have no experience with Azure or PowerShell.

Please consider adding a lightweight developer blob storage solution, that we control and you never touch again.