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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.

Status Investigating
Categories CMS, Spire & Mobius
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 22, 2022

Improvements to the "Import Content" and "Restore Content" feature for Spire pages

We've had an issue where a content editor probably mishandled the content features, which resulted in the lost of entire page sections. The pages were ultimately restored using the [Value] column of the [PageVersion.BAK] table, but we feel these features could be improved to help prevent the situation.

"Import Content" could use a preview interface.

Import Content does warn that it's a destructive action but doesn't preview what's about to happen, which doesn't really help editors. Ideally, the editor would be shown - and even be allowed to handpick specific pages to restore.

"Import Content" could offer options to trigger its rollback routine

It seems like there is already a rollback routine to revert the import in case of catastrophical issue. We wish to have the option to trigger it if "parent nodes are about to be removed", and other similar scenarios already recognized by the import job - but which currently only logs a warning and continue.

"Restore Content" could also keep a BAK version of the PageURL table

The feature seems to use the BAK version of its [Node], [Page], and [PageVersion] table to restore content as a whole. We've had an issue where that data was restored, but the [PageURL] were somehow missing - which left us with ghost-pages that made everything worse. We wondered whether the feature shouldn't also keep a BAK version of its [PageURL] table.

Thank you for the consideration.

[Updated: 2022-11-10, Reason: Clarification]

  • Optimizely
    Sara Winter
    Nov 9, 2022

    Thank you for submitting this request! Our team is currently investigating if and how we may implement this feature, particularly with consideration of our wide client base. We will update this ticket once we have completed this investigation.