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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.

Status Already exists
Categories Catalog & Assets
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 7, 2022

Search fields only available on productnumber (ngram, autocomplete)

Often we need to utilize an ERP unique identifier as the partNumber in Opti, but that's not necessarily the one used by end customers for searching for products. The search features built into the platform, such as ngram and autocomplete, are against part number, but clients often want it against other fields, such as SKU. Therefore, this request is to add an option to select the field that feature searches against. This has been discussed with Sara already with regards to one our clients.

  • Optimizely
    Sara Winter
    Mar 1, 2023

    Partners should be able to replace this pipe in RunProductSearch pipeline:

    namespace Insite.Search.Elasticsearch.DocumentTypes.Product.Query.Pipelines.Pipes.RunProductSearch
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using Insite.Core.Interfaces.Data;
    using Insite.Core.Plugins.Pipelines;
    using Insite.Core.Plugins.Search.Dtos;
    using Insite.Search.Elasticsearch.DocumentTypes.Product.Query.Pipelines.Parameters;
    using Insite.Search.Elasticsearch.DocumentTypes.Product.Query.Pipelines.Results;
    using Nest;

    public sealed class ProcessAutoCorrectSuggestion
    : IPipe<RunProductSearchParameter, RunProductSearchResult>
    public int Order => 3000;

    public RunProductSearchResult Execute(
    IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
    RunProductSearchParameter parameter,
    RunProductSearchResult result
    Suggest<ElasticsearchProduct>[] autoCorrectSuggestions;
    if (
    result.SearchResponse.Suggest == null
    || !result.SearchResponse.Suggest.TryGetValue(
    out autoCorrectSuggestions
    || autoCorrectSuggestions.Length != 1
    || this.SearchCriteriaMatchesProductErpNumberInSearchResponse(
    return result;

    result.ProductSearchResult.AutoCorrectSuggestion = autoCorrectSuggestions[0].Options
    o =>
    new SuggestionDto
    Suggestion = o.Text,
    HighlightedSuggestion = o.Text,
    Score = o.Score

    return result;

    private bool SearchCriteriaMatchesProductErpNumberInSearchResponse(
    string searchCriteria,
    RunProductSearchResult result
    return result.SearchSuggestionsSettings.ExcludePartNumberFromAutoCorrect
    && result.SearchResponse.Documents != null
    && result.SearchResponse.Documents.Any(
    o => o.ErpNumber.EqualsIgnoreCase(searchCriteria)
  • Optimizely
    Sara Winter
    Jan 20, 2023

    Thank you for submitting this request! Our team is currently reviewing if and how we may implement this feature, particularly with consideration of our wide client base. We will update this ticket once we have completed the investigation.