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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 566

AI Auto-tagging for DAM assets

It would be a massive time saver if our marketing assets (Images/video etc) could have tags/keywords automatically added on upload. AI tools like Imagga can tag content without me needing to manually tag. Maybe we can also have a pre-populated lis...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 1 Future consideration

Make Task Mandatory in Campaign

There are scenarios where a workflow (strict) is not required but a task needs to be completed as a stand-alone item as part of a campaign or process. e.g. "Book Event". In addition to preventing a campaign from completing, I'd like to be able to ...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Version Control for transactional mailings

As a product owner I need to control, verify and possibly revert changes to mailings in my business operations workflows. This should include: when a change was made and by which user, with a comment option to include internal ticket references et...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

webhook for automated opens

As a marketeer I want to receive a webhok for automated opens, because I want to analyse the follwoing: Why don't I receive any opens from this recipients? Is it realy an inactive reader? How is the share of users having some sort of privacy prote...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Logger having error categorised into types

The Optimizely logger indicates different types of errors. Our client suggests to divide the different types of errors by type. Example use case: our client is currently using a Regex to identify the error messages received for the error "not in d...
about 2 years ago in Feature Experimentation / SDKs & Agent 1 Future consideration

Support for Static IP address

When we (as an Optimizely DXP customer) expose APIs for partner vendors to invoke, including the Optimizely DXP, we need to ensure that we meet The Group’s security standards and one of the many facets to this is IP whitelisting. This means we don...
over 3 years ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Infrastructure mgmt. 0 Future consideration

Suggest Content During Request Process

Occasionally, we get requests for work that already exists. When that happens, we have to tell users where to find what they're looking for in the library. It would save everyone a lot of time if we could suggest existing Library content during th...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Requests 0 Future consideration

Download All vs Only Unresolved Comments in PDF

When downloading a document with comments into a PDF, all comments are downloaded, regardless of their status as open or unresolved. We'd like the option to choose whether to download all comments or just those that are unresolved. That would help...
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 0 Future consideration

Include Object Number Email Subject Lines

We've adopted the object numbers (TSK-123) internally as the quickest way to identify our work. As such, adding them to the email subject line for notifications would be helpful.
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Choose Custom Colors for Campaigns, Label Values

We'd like to use custom colors (ideally via HEX codes) to set the colors for our campaigns. That way, we could match the colors to those in use by other platforms, match our brand, etc.
about 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Settings + Configuration 0 Future consideration