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Content Management

Showing 414

Blocks in context of pages

I want blocks to behave as if they were part of the page, rather than separate entities. Primarily on the approval step.
about 6 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0 Planned

Unchecking "show all languages" in back-end (sites tab) isn't saved.

When you uncheck the "show all languages" button (sites tab) and then switch language/do a page reload, the choice isn't saved. It's really annoying for our content editor, since for our multisite project, one of the sites only has very few cultur...
4 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Set a default time zone for date/time editing

Currently in the CMS, time/date pickers are associated to the editors local time. This is problematic, because we have editors all over the US. Entering in time/date information incorrectly will lead to our event registration announcements display...
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Add NotNullWhen attribute to ContentReference.IsNullOrEmpty

As a Developer I would like my static code analysis to understand that ContentReference.IsNullOrEmpty is performing an implicit null check. I have found that if (!ContentReference.IsNullOrEmpty(someLink)) is false, then my IDE will suggest me to a...
12 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Inline Blocks: Add reference to page/parent to the object in code

When working with inline blocks within code it would be good if there was a way to get a reference to the page it exists on so we could use it to perform context specific logic within the block.
over 1 year ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Link Validation job use HTTP HEAD and report working external links as broken

The Optimizely CMS link validation job validates both internal and external links. External links are validating using a HTTP HEAD request, but a lot of websites (including do not respond to HEAD requests and are because of t...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

CMS users can not access files uploaded through Episerver Forms

After upgrading Episerver Forms to fix the security vulnerability outlined in this blog post (') CMS users can no longer access uploaded files from the Fo...
12 months ago in Content Management / Forms 1

Enable edit of content reference and url properties in cms 12

As an editor I want to be able to edit content references and urls so that i can identify where the property was pointing originally and not have to find a piece of content based only on its name
about 2 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Migrate Content Manager and Grid View to version 12

Hi,The GridView and Content Manager needs to be migrated to version 12. Without a product switcher it isn't possible to get to the Content Manager. Bart asked me to create a ticket on this. Thanks for looking into this.
12 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Feature not migrated: When deleting content by choosing "Move to trash" it is no longer possible to press enter to choose Move to trash in the warning window.

Missing feature that existed in previous versions: When deleting content by choosing "Move to trash" it is no longer possible to press enter to choose "Move to trash" in the pop up warning window. If one clicks enter the window closes but leaves t...
over 1 year ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0