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Content Management

Showing 403

CMS users can not access files uploaded through Episerver Forms

After upgrading Episerver Forms to fix the security vulnerability outlined in this blog post (') CMS users can no longer access uploaded files from the Fo...
10 months ago in Content Management / Forms 1

Migrate Content Manager and Grid View to version 12

Hi,The GridView and Content Manager needs to be migrated to version 12. Without a product switcher it isn't possible to get to the Content Manager. Bart asked me to create a ticket on this. Thanks for looking into this.
10 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Add support for "AllowedTypes" through the Content Definitions API

When using the Content Definitions API to create a content area or a list of content references I would like to be able to restrict the types available to select from (the same way I can do via the AllowedTypes-attribute in code). You must be able...
almost 2 years ago in Content Management / APIs 0

Ability to export active workflow steps into an excel

Would like the ability to export a workflow that is assigned to a task, will all steps, dates included, into an excel. We would like this to solve for leaders/users who are not actively in CMP but need a line of sight into key milestones, dates, a...
3 months ago in Content Management / Reporting 0

Similar type of field for blocks than route segment is for pages

Page types have the route segment property in Optimizely. Blocks obviously don't have these as they don't have URLs. Would it be possible to add some kind of similar field to block that could be used as a filtering option for example through the A...
7 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

As an editor, I'd like navigate to page associated to "For this Page" asset folder

When editing a content object located in "For this X" asset folder I would like to find/navigate to the X content. This can be solved by adding a link in the "For this X" breadcrumb.
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Asset Management 4 Investigating

New cache architecture for the platform

Currently there exists a large number of different caches used in CMS and all its addons, Optimizely codebase primarily uses ISynchronizedObjectInstanceCache (implemented by RemoteCacheSynchronization) but there are a lot of other caching mechanis...
3 months ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Preview unpublished content delivered by Content Delivery API

In the documentation it says that it is possible to enable previews of unpublished content delivered by Content Delivery API
10 months ago in Content Management / APIs 0

Use localized catalog UI in the Select Content-dialogen

As an editor I would like to see localized names in the Catalog UI when creating links to catalog content to be sure that I create links to the correct content. The Catalog UI shows name, which is not localized so can be a problem for editors who ...
over 3 years ago in Content Management / Multi-language 0

Feature not migrated: When deleting content by choosing "Move to trash" it is no longer possible to press enter to choose Move to trash in the warning window.

Missing feature that existed in previous versions: When deleting content by choosing "Move to trash" it is no longer possible to press enter to choose "Move to trash" in the pop up warning window. If one clicks enter the window closes but leaves t...
about 1 year ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0