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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.



Showing 23

ODP-Campaign Sync: Increase frequency of sync from once a day to... more than once a day

At this time, ODP-Campaigns integration syncs once a day, can we increase this frequency
about 1 year ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Counter for Subject Line

we would like to have a counter for our subject line. when the subject line exceeds 50 letters/signs there should be a red warning, similiar to the one of the paragraphs. there should also be the possibility to automatically shorten the subject li...
over 1 year ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Add folder selection in mailing based widget (Performance Dashboard)

As a user, I want to select my recent campaigns for the performance dashboard based on a mailing folder. So I can make sure, that I always get the performance dashboard with meaningful widgets for the mails I find relevant without the need to go a...
over 1 year ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Allow deletion of old target groups to clean up the lists and overview

As a user I would like to delete target groups that are no longer needed or were created incorrectly to prevent other users from using them. It would also help to keep the overview fast and clean when browsing target groups in the client.
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Analyze active recipient base over multiple clients

As global marketing lead I want to know how many unique active recipients I have over all my markets / divisions. For this I would like to see an evaluation summarizing my many mandators: unique active recipients aggregated active recipients with ...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Version Control for transactional mailings

As a product owner I need to control, verify and possibly revert changes to mailings in my business operations workflows. This should include: when a change was made and by which user, with a comment option to include internal ticket references et...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

See recipient status at a glance

As a marketeer I want to quickly see the recipient's status, eg in my recipient list view, so I know if they can be addressed or not and why. I'd like to know if they are: unsubscribed for that specific list blocked outbounced ready to be addresse...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 1 Future consideration

webhook for automated opens

As a marketeer I want to receive a webhok for automated opens, because I want to analyse the follwoing: Why don't I receive any opens from this recipients? Is it realy an inactive reader? How is the share of users having some sort of privacy prote...
about 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Version control in the message edit view

As a campaign user, I would like to be able to redo/undo the changes in message edit view
over 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration

Restore deleted mailings and mailing templates

As a campaign user, I would like to be able to restore deleted mailings and mailing templates without contacting support
over 2 years ago in Campaign 0 Future consideration