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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.
> I see you're referring to a manual datafile pull on-demand for the SDK via a new method.
sorta. My app will fetch new datafile updates by itself, thus i dont need sdk method to do that, although it would be nice.
What i want is to update the instance with the new datafile i've refetched in the app.
Hi, thanks for clarifying and my apologies for misinterpreting. I see you're referring to a manual datafile pull on-demand for the SDK via a new method. That's definitely distinct from initializing an Optimizely instance using the CDN URL.
I understand you spoke with Dejan from our SA team about a workaround of recreating the Optimizely instance but we recognize that this is less than ideal.
I hope I'm now understanding your feedback correctly, but please let me know if not. We'll discuss this internally and revert back with any updates. Thank you.
@russel, you missed the point
i can fetch the datafile directly from the CDN URL myself just fine and I can initiate the optimizelyInstance with fetched datafile just fine too.
Then my web app started, user interacts with it, few minutes passed and i need to disable the feature. I do that. Datafile on the CDN is updated and got a new version. I fetch this new datafile in my app in the background and I want to update the optimizely instance with the new datafile, so the user wont see the feature no more.
Currently, there is no way for me to manually update the optimizely instance with new datafile.
Hi there, thanks for your feedback. Our polling and webhook methods of getting the datafile don't allow for on-the-fly updating of the datafile. Fetching the datafile directly from the CDN URL would be your best bet with what's available now, but this is not the best developer experience vs. an SDK method.
We'll consider this enhancement as a future consideration.