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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Customized Commerce

Showing 97

Modify the UI to show the BillTo number when Managing Shared lists

Currently when clicking on the "Shared by ___" or "Shared with ___" hyperlinks next to a list that is currently being shared by billto, you are only met with a message "Shared with all users on billing account." but you are not told which billing ...
11 months ago in Customized Commerce / Technical 0 Gathering interest

Doesn't display content referencing the item that to be deleted

When editors delete a product from the Catalog, they are presented with a dialog window that simply asks, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected item/items? This action cannot be undone". However, this window does not provide any informatio...
12 months ago in Customized Commerce / Catalogs 1 Planned

Enable antonyms in FIND optimization features

We DESPERATELY need an antonym feature in the FIND tool: Example: art DOES NOT EQUAL cart cane DOES NOT EQUAL cart No matter what I do, I cannot get those first two items to NOT result first, and our ...
almost 3 years ago in Customized Commerce / Technical 1 Gathering interest

Customer Part Numbers - ShipTo Level

Customer part numbers are not supported by elastic search auto-complete. Customer part number is returned in auto-complete if the product is assigned to a BillTo. However, if the product is assigned to a ShipTo the customer part number is returned...
7 months ago in Customized Commerce / Catalogs 0

Ability to un-publish a product in Commerce so it can be re-scheduled (or schedule removing from expired)

As a product manager and content editor I want the ability to un-publish a product that has been previously published, and/or to be able to schedule removing it from expired. This would allow my team to be able to scheduling publishing even if the...
almost 4 years ago in Customized Commerce / Catalogs 0 Planned

Allow to create blocks as a children of Product/Category pages

As an Catalog editor I want to be able to create blocks with option known from CMS - For this page. Reproduction steps: I have my Product page that inherits from ProductContent I add a property of ContentArea type to that page On ContentArea contr...
7 months ago in Customized Commerce / Catalogs 0

Multiple Customers With The Same Email

Please, allow users to create/update multiple customers with the same email in Commerce UI. It is possible at API level at the moment.
over 2 years ago in Customized Commerce / Customer Services 2 Planned

Remember search query in Commerce Admin

If you search in: /EPiServer/Commerce/customers?menu=organization#/Customers/Organizations we would like to "remember search phrase" if you went back to result page after click. Reproducing steps. Search for example "company" Click on a customer C...
8 months ago in Customized Commerce 0 Planned

Promotion Engine: allow to limit promo code usage by email address, even if not a registered user

As a Promotion Manager, I want to be able to limit the use of a promo code by email address even if they don't have a registered account.
about 4 years ago in Customized Commerce / Promotions 0 Gathering interest

Catalog Pane add context button to simply reorder catalog items at each level alphabetically

It would be great if we had a button to change context next to archive on the catalog that allows us to simply reorder only under one level of the catalog, the context shift would prevent moving catalog content to different parents, children, but ...
9 months ago in Customized Commerce / Catalogs 1 Gathering interest