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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Configured Commerce

Showing 271

Order Upload - Add handling of duplicate part number prior to upload

Order upload can use any of the following as the "Item Number" in the file. However, not all of these are guaranteed to be unique. When there is a duplicate ManufactureItem number, for example, Opti just picks the first one and adds it to the Cart...
6 months ago in Configured Commerce / Orders & Payment 1 Investigating

Category Quantities after Category Name

I would like to see the option to show a qty amount within each category while shopping. This is available if using the search engine (screenshot below), but not through category browsing and shopping without search
6 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

Whitelist AzureKeyVault nuget package

Whitelist this nuget package: We have a need to leverage AzureKeyVault to pull configuration settings from client Infrastructure, hence the need for it. So if they were to change the s...

Please offer SAML SSO

Please include SAML SSO for future Configured Commerce Cloud versions. Currently, clients have to build their own solution.

Include Setting to Include Variant URLs in the Sitemap Job

It would be nice to allow a setting to be enabled to build the sitemap job including variant product detail pages for sites that create unique content at the variant product level. Sites that create content for parent products could continue to le...
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 0 Gathering interest

Allow Customization of Admin Console Side for Impersonation to DXP site

When admin user on the commerce admin side trying to impersonate web user and they are navigated to the commerce site.we want to customize it, so it redirects to DXP site.. When we try to reset password or trigger account activation emails on admi...
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / Admin Console & Import/Export 1 Investigating

Add more available model values to all email templates

As a client some basic information available on all the email templates, to provide a better experience to our customers. WebsiteUrl -> Will help link back from the email back to the website. This variable is available on some templates, but no...
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / Misc. 1 Gathering interest

User Administration feature should be independant from Budget Management feature

As a client, I want to setup user administration feature without enabling Budget Management. In this configuration, the only role that shows on the User Administration page is "Administrator", and that means that customer admins can only create ot...
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / Users, Permissions & Security 2 Investigating

Assign a product badge to all products in a category

We would like to assign a badge to all products in a specific category. Example of use All products in the Clearance category must have a badge to indicate that they are on final sale. If I'm browsing in category X and one of the products in this ...
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / Marketing & Promotions 2 Investigating

Manage/assign product badging by website

We want to be able to assign badges by website. Example of use Website1 has product A on promotion -10%, but it's not on promotion on Website2. We want to display the badge only on Website1.
7 months ago in Configured Commerce / Marketing & Promotions 1 Investigating