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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Content Management

Showing 412 of 1871

Improve user experience for editors when switching from one site to another

At the moment, when a logged in editor switches from one site (Site A) to another (Site B), where she/he has access to, the user is forced to re-log-in to Site B, and the entire CMS is re-loaded, which takes a long time. The current user experienc...
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Multi-site 0 Investigating

Changing page type settings in Admin removes AvailableContentTypes that are IContent and not pages

Consider the following page type. [AvailableContentTypes(Availability.Specific, Include = new[] { typeof(ReactionLike), typeof(ReactionComment), typeof(NewsListPage) })] public class NewsPage : PageData {} And custom IContent implementations publi...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Add customizable reporting framework to CMS 12

As a developer I want to create custom reports (like in CMS pre-v12). Then I want them listed on the Reports tab so users (with proper access rights) can be viewed or downloaded.
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Reporting 0

Support SAP Connector DLL's

Hi, I'd like to ensure the SAP Connector DLL's are supported in Configured Commerce. Otherwise, calling a BAPI directly on SAP won't be possible and will need to be on the WIS, resulting in poor performance for real-time calls like price/inventory...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 1 Investigating

Self-Optimizing block without session

Make self-optimizing block work even though session state mode is off.
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 1 Investigating

Limitation of number of sent forms

A customer, managed by Natalia Butor, needs to limit the number of sent forms. When googling I found a suggestion for using a criterion that uses the Forms API to count the number of sent forms. Then using a visitor group that hides the form when ...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Forms 1

Unpublish content from the "publish" menu

Currently the way to "Unpublish" (as in expire) content in the CMS isn't very intuitive for people who don't have lots of Optimizely CMS experience. Especially editors coming from other platforms. I've built a CMS 12 plugin that solves this and pu...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 1 Planned

Unable to Delete a Block that with the 'not used anywhere' message

There are blocks that have the message 'not used anywhere' at the top. They were incorrectly created and need to be deleted. But from the offending block's edit URL, we're unable to find the Parent Block/Folder it was created under. We're needing ...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0

Make it possible to restrict maximum number of versions per content type

At the moment it's only possible to restrict the number of versions per content that is stored globally. I now have a customer on a large site with some content that is really important to keep all versions for a specific content type. I would lik...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Hide/Remove warning icon for 'Published'

We use Epi11, on our way to Epi12 - this issue is visible on both of them. We use tag pages to tag regular content pages. The tag pages are editable only for Admin, while the content pages are used by people with Editor access. But our editors get...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Editing 0