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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1853 of 1853

Running Total Inventory Report

Using the real-time inventory option and would like an option to generate a running total report for a product over a specified time frame.
2 months ago in Configured Commerce / Admin Console & Import/Export 1 Investigating

Drag-and-drop feature for tasks to be moved around in the plan module

As CMP campaigns evolve, sub-campaigns, milestones and tasks often need to be moved to better show the relationships between them. In plan view, it is a manual job currently to move tasks, as each task has to be opened and edited based on where/wh...

Allow multiple currency support

It would be a nice add to be able to use 1 revenue event for all currencies. Currently, we need to create 1 event per currency if we want to track revenue accurately. Instead, it would be nice to use 1 revenue event, and specify the currency insid...
almost 2 years ago in Experimentation Analytics / Metrics Setup 0 Future consideration

When copy/pasting a page in the page tree, the copy should be a draft, not published.

As an editor, I often want to copy a page to crate a new one and base new content on the original. When pasting the page in the page tree, it gets published, so I have two copies with the same content. Instead I want the copy to be a draft that I ...
over 3 years ago in Content Management / Editing 2 Investigating

The platform should automatically recognise file formats rather than me assigning them when uploading.

As a content manager, i want to upload a PNG asset without having to specifically having to pick the "PNG" item from the field list. It would make using the filters much easier to use and then yield actual results from a search.t The image in step...
2 months ago in Content Marketing / DAM/Library 1

Restrict editor access to other microsites

We want to hide the website tree structure to the user who do not have access (even we want to remove the read-only access). For example we have multiple websites as Website A, Website B ... etc. and EditorA, EditorB ... etc. If EditorA has access...
6 months ago in Content Management / Multi-site 0

Allows customize business object class edit form

The previous Commerce 13 version allows customization of edit form for Business Foundation objects (contacts, orders, organizations). User can select which fields are displayed, sort order, and which fields are readonly. In addition, user should b...
8 months ago in Customized Commerce / Foundation 0 Gathering interest

Adjust due time for an entire workflow/task instead of each step

The due date time automatically populates as 12:00 p.m., or to your current time when adding steps to a workflow. I want the ability to bulk adjust the time for every step in a task. For example, on our team, most of us quit working around 5 p.m. ...
4 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

Task Templates - load a blank Brief

Hello to the great Optimizely Product team, We truly appreciate the new Task Templates feature and we are now setting up the Task Templates for the communications activity types which have a dedicated workflow (Social posts, Paid search, Webpage, ...
4 months ago in Content Marketing / Tasks, Campaigns, and Events 1 Investigating

Add Algolia.Search to allowedLibraries whitelist

Hi, In a upcoming project for our client we want to implement new features in the shop based on Algolia Search, it would help tremendously if we could use the following NuGet package in our backend code for the Extensions project. More details abo...