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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


All feedback

Showing 1853 of 1853

Category Quantities after Category Name

I would like to see the option to show a qty amount within each category while shopping. This is available if using the search engine (screenshot below), but not through category browsing and shopping without search
6 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

Possibility to have a Stage-environment for OptiPIM

Hello!As an E-commerce Manager of a business currently creating a new Online Store using Configured Commerce and OptiPIM I just recently found out that there is no stage-environment for the OptiPIM. Is this in the pipeline to create from Optimizel...
4 months ago in PIM 0

Support for JSON scalar type for XhtmlString field in OptiGraph

We would want to have support for JSON scalar type for XhtmlString fields in OptiGraph. The format is already use in the CD API (check the image attached). In OptiGraph response the XhtmlString appears now just in one JSON string.
12 months ago in Optimizely Graph 2 Investigating

Overview of Audience groups and where they're used

Requirement: We are currently implementing the personalization on basis of combination of different Audiences using the Azure groups with their respective roles in Optimizely. It is required that certain pages/blocks need to show for some groups a...
2 months ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0

DXP ability to amend app service access restrictions

To restrict environments by IP requires implementing something via code: This is cumbersome, especially for IP ranges. In addition it's not poss...
2 months ago in DXP Cloud Platform / Infrastructure mgmt. 0 Future consideration

Concern with the terminology "Master Language"

As an employee from USA, we have a very complicated and problematic racial legacy. The CMS platform uses the terminology "Master Language" when specifying the default language (or language of origin) for a translation. A few years back, Github dec...
10 months ago in Content Management / Multi-language 0

No longer able to see the database metrics/performance of the non production enviroments

since the implementation of autoscaling,, a side effect is that we no longer have insight in how the database is performing in th...
6 months ago in Customized Commerce / Technical 0

Search in the CMS UI should highlight and set focus on the location of pages and assets when a result is selected.

Searching for pages or assets in the CMS and selecting a search result will open the edit view of the item. However, focus is not set on that item in the page or asset pane, which means editors may have to scroll through many content items to see ...
12 months ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0

Change the maximum upload file size per media type

Current there can be only ne file size limit. In website documents like pdf can be big but mediafiles like images should be smaller. Optimizely should have option to set uplooad size limit per media type instead of all media files.
12 months ago in Content Management / Asset Management 0

Convert blocks

As a developer/administrator, I want to be able to convert blocks like I can convert pages so that I can merge blocks resulting in a cleanup of content and less work for our content editors. This isn't a new feature request and has been popular on...
about 2 years ago in Content Management / Content Manager 0