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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


Configured Commerce

Showing 271 of 1871

Request to whitelist the Coveo.Connectors.Utilities.PlatformSdk to allowedLibraries list

Hello Team Optimizely, we are working on the Coveo integration for one of our projects and having Coveo.Connectors.Utilities.PlatformSdk -Version 11.2.0 added to allowedLibraries would be of great help for this integration. As additional informati...

Separate the "build email" step from the "send email" step for easier extensibility

As a partner developerI want to have a point of extension between building an email and sending an emailSo that I can modify the email properties (ie. To, CC, Body) without overriding the code responsible for sending the email. The following files...
about 2 months ago in Configured Commerce / Technical 3 Gathering interest

Add Microsoft.OData.Edm

Hello, I am writing to request the addition of the Microsoft.OData.Edm NuGet package to the build whitelist. In my project, I am using OData, and I have been able to complete my development without referencing any external NuGet packages because t...

Visual Indicator to show more features within the Content Block of Rich Text

The Content Block within the Rich Text widget, should have a visual indicator to show there are additional options, i.e. add images, on the collapsed view.
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius 1 Gathering interest

Running Total Inventory Report

Using the real-time inventory option and would like an option to generate a running total report for a product over a specified time frame.
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / Admin Console & Import/Export 1 Investigating

Pending Orders - Popup message to not remove an approver or change the Buyer role if there is an order pending

Pending Orders - Popup message to not remove an approver or change the Buyer role if there is an order pending. The order is stuck in limbo when this happens.
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / Orders & Payment 1 Investigating

Request for Enhanced Web User Activation Link Resend Functionality

We would like to request an enhancement to the admin console for web user activation links. Specifically, we would like the ability to either: Resend Activation Links from List View: Enable the option to resend activation links directly from the l...
3 months ago in Configured Commerce / Admin Console & Import/Export 1 Investigating

Configured Commerce Spire + CMP Publishing Integration

Talking with Configured Commerce Customer who is interested in CMP. They have a Marketing Team of ~20 and larger team which provides input of Marketing Materials at ~100. We would love a publishing connection between CMP and Configured Commerce Sp...
4 months ago in Configured Commerce / CMS, Spire & Mobius / Integration 1 Gathering interest

Impersonate Option from Additional Locations

Allow the ability to impersonate a customer from where you see their email. For example from the order history screen where you see created by. Allow quick impersonation from anywhere a user is listed.
4 months ago in Configured Commerce / Admin Console & Import/Export 1 Gathering interest

Stored card orders or subscription orders are not supported in cloud applications without user interaction

This is reference to #1535075. We are looking for the solution: It is regarding the issue we are currently facing on the Customer project, where recurring or subscription orders (credit card payments) are failing. According to the response provide...
4 months ago in Configured Commerce / Orders & Payment 0