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We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

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Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.


CMS + CMP Publishing

Showing 12

"Publish to CMS" should publish page(s) and all associated unpublished content items

When CMS content is created through the CMP it doesn't publish all the content items, like blocks and images. The CMP creates a Project in the CMS and only publishes the page. This leaves a broken page live on the site until a content creator jump...
about 2 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Color code search results by a designated field

We would love to be able to designate a field to color-code search results. For example, we have a "deliverable" field designating what kind of produce a task is creating. We could designate this field as the search primary so we could pick out de...
10 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Create and edit Blocks from CMS

Sometimes the content we create isn't an entire page, but just a block of content that is consumed later by our content team. Examples include promotional content, banners, and content for lead generation. We'd like to be able to create a block si...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0 Future consideration

Create a translation of an existing CMS page

New CMS pages can be created with a specified language, and existing translations can be selected, but only if they exist in CMS already. As a content editor, I need to create new translations of an existing CMS page, which requires that I select ...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0 Future consideration

Values in the Date fields differ per time zone (CMP)

We have experienced an unexpected behaviour of the Date types of fields: When a person sitting e.g. in Singapore sets up the publishing date or approval date in CMP for 10 June, it will show up as 9 June for users in Europe We understand this migh...
7 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Enhance CMP CMS connector to support multiple sites per CMS codebase instance

Currently the first version of the CMP to CMS connector only support a scenario of one codebase to CMP instance. Therefore if a client has multiple CMP instances connected to different multisite instances in the CMS this does not work. For example...
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 1 Investigating

Use Content Proofing for CMS Pages

When reviewing content in a task, digital marketing teams regularly use the Content Proofing feature to leave comments directly on the asset being reviewed. This isn't available for CMS pages and the comments on tasks aren't linked to the page bei...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0 Future consideration

Make all form submissions searchable

There is no way to search all form submissions. I can get a report that shows there was a bounced email from a form submission to with the date and time, but I can't search Optimizely to find that form submissions, you can only search ...
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Retract side menu in Commerce similar to CMS

When you click CMS > Edit, the side menu retracts to provide more hoizontal space. Can you implement the same for Commerce > Catalog?
about 1 year ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0

Post-Submission Email Tracking Feature for Episerver Forms

Over the past few months, we've noticed an occasional issue wherein emails are not being sent after form submissions within Episerver Forms. While we understand that SMTP issues may sometimes be the cause, we believe that having a post-submission ...
12 months ago in Content Marketing / CMS + CMP Publishing 0