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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.



Showing 69 of 1871

List view incl budget and financials

Hi, in order to get an overview of campaigns that has a budget and be able to follow-up we are asking to include some columns in the list view. See attached.
10 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 1

Change multiple tasks at once

I want the ability to multi-select many tasks at once and make changes (such as archiving or changing the due date). Right now, this has to be done one by one or pay to have your off-shore team do it.
8 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 1

Collapse all campaigns in List View

I want the ability to collapse all open campaigns with one click while in the List View in Plan.
8 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 1

Overview of ALL assignees of a Task in Plan module

We suggest to enable an overview of who is working on what in CMP´s Plan module, by seeing all assignees of the respective Tasks (not only the Owner or Current assignee) So either it would list ALL assignees assigned to a Task throughout the workf...
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Product Badging - Create rule based on number of days

Current rule only allows a date range. I would like to create a rule that drops a new product badge on items that were created in the last xxxx number of days.
3 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0

Plan views shared with me

We need to see who shared a plan view, also be able to delete a shared view from my list. In theory this list could grow to an extremity long list that I can't edit and with views that is not applicable/needed for me. As a minimum requirement at l...
10 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 4

Calendar: Monday as first day of the week

In the Plan module and Timeline view, as well as in tasks and workflows, calendars are shown with date selectors. These calendars starts with Sundays. However we always refer to Mondays as the first day of a week. There's a risk of miscommunicatio...
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Plan 1 Future consideration

All Steps in List View

Currently in the List View, we can only retrieve the "current step Name", would it be possible to retrieve all step names into the List view?
over 2 years ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0 Future consideration

Adding 'Creation Date' to Reporting

Adding a request to create the 'Creation Date' field on all reports in order to report on number of tasks by created date.
over 1 year ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0 Future consideration

Date order for task organization

In a task board view, when it shows the task for the next week, it does not put them in date order. The date sorting occurs when you reach that week, but it would be nice for tasks to be organized by date when you're looking ahead to the next week...
7 months ago in Content Marketing / Plan 0