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Customer Feedback

We love feedback from you on our products and the problems in your daily work that you would like us to solve. Please describe the challenge you're encountering and your desired outcome. Be as detailed as possible.

For technical issues or bugs please head to Support or our Developer Community. You can assign up to 20 votes in total. Thank you for your feedback.

Status explanation: 'Future Consideration' = Continuing to collect further feedback, not planned at this time. 'Investigating' = Prioritized for deeper customer and feasibility investigations ahead of planning development.



Showing 77

TinyMCE WCAG 2.0 compliance Cite tags in blockquotes

Our accessibility scanning through Monsido is telling us that we need to add cite tags to our blockquotes. We've added custom formats for blockquotes in TinyMCE but we need to be able to provide a field for the citation. I found an old thread abou...
about 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Move the EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities.Internal.IActivityTypeRegistry to public API

Move the EPiServer.DataAbstraction.Activities.Internal.IActivityTypeRegistry to public API as we needed it when creating custom activities to be able to register those (yes we can now, but the Internal namespace indicates to us that this could cha...
over 4 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Content Modeling: set custom validation error when using Regular Expressions

As a CMS admin, when I am defining a property on a content type and using the "Regular Expression" option to set a validation rule, I want to be able to define a custom error message (instead of the regular expression rule appearing in the validat...
over 1 year ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Support ReturnUrl query parameter on login in DXP environments

As a user I want to access the admin UI page by direct url, for instance '/EPiServer/EPiServer.Cms.UI.Admin/default'. If I'm not logged in I will be automatically redirected to the login page '/Util/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FEPiServer%2FEPiServer.Cms.UI....
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0

Linux Docker : add tzdata package

Please, add tzdata pacakge to docker image you creates for application in DXP, so it is possible to get a list of timezones with human-readable display names
over 2 years ago in Content Management / Technical 2 Will not implement

CacheEvictionPolicy with masterkey dependency to content version makes edit mode broken for that IContent

To make a simple showcase, imagine the following code for caching a friendly URL for a page. CacheManager.Insert ($"GetFriendlyUrl({contentLink.ID})", contentLink.GetFriendlyURL(), new CacheEvictionPolicy (TimeSpan.FromDays(1), CacheTimeoutType.Ab...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 3 Already exists

Changing page type settings in Admin removes AvailableContentTypes that are IContent and not pages

Consider the following page type. [AvailableContentTypes(Availability.Specific, Include = new[] { typeof(ReactionLike), typeof(ReactionComment), typeof(NewsListPage) })] public class NewsPage : PageData {} And custom IContent implementations publi...
almost 3 years ago in Content Management / Technical 0